Tag replies:
EGG: I'll never not know you (:
Ava: I have no idea what to write, mind's a mess :/
Hi there bimbo sisters and everyone else.
To be honest, I don't even know who's gonna read this,
but if you are reading this, please leave me a message! (:
Actually, this is a new blog, just with the same URL.
I didn't delete the old one, just because it contains too much memories.
I only changed the link for it.
Seriously, I don't know how what to write, but I just feel like writing.
This is the first photo I see when I open my long untouched photo folder.
Brings back so much, and it's also when I realize I didn't upload it.
I need to talk.
Set me free.
Set me free.
Labels: We belong together